Friday, November 02, 2007

First Week Home

We have made it the first week! There was lots of crying, eating, and sucking thumbs and that was just between Holly and I. I know that was a cheesy joke, but it seems funny to me right now. Tucker is doing great. We just can't stop looking at him. We started giving him a bottle feeding Wednesday and he seems to go back and forth pretty easy, we found some gas relief at Whole Foods that seems to work okay, and Holly has been going on some walks to get out of the house. It has been a good week to help her get into a routine.

Kennedy is doing pretty good as long as you keep her busy. We mainly work on our hot routes, take trips to Wal-Mart and Target, and go to the park. We think she might have a urine infection so that should be a lot of fun, especially when you are out in public and she can't stop saying her privates hurt!

Holly seems to be doing great. Last night she got 6 hours of sleep so I think that helped a lot. Our new dryer comes tomorrow so we are going to catch up on laundry all day!


Alexis said...

What a beautiful baby boy!!! I love the name - he even looks like a Tucker! It's perfect! Holly, you look gorgeous! You do not look like you just gave birth to an 8 lb. baby boy! You go girl! I will definitely be praying for you guys over the next few weeks - for some unexpected times of rest, that Tucker and Kennedy would be healthy and you both would just continue to get to soak in the many blessings around you!! Love you guys!

Kimberly said...

The Stewarts are SO excited for you guys!!! Tucker is so handsome!! So fun!! We just found out we are having #3! crazy! but is always seems to be that way with us...we love you guys and are so excited for you!!