Monday, December 03, 2007

6 Weeks and Smiling

Well, we are 6 weeks into this and it seems like we are just getting into a routine. Routines are big for us and sometimes we find more comfort in our routine than in our relationship with Jesus. Needless to say these last few weeks have been challenging.

It is in the midst of our routines that we find comfort, control, stability, and it gives us the illusion we are making progress. I like progress. This doesn't mean routines are bad, however, it can show us when we are taken out of our routines where we might be placing our security. I am not sure if this has been resolved as much as we have been reminded that our circumstances can be deceiving in the midst of comfort or chaos. If I could pick, I would always err on the side of comfort but it is in the midst of chaos when our faith is being deepened and broadened for Him.

As for Tuck, looks like he is enjoying some comfort. Got to love those dimples!


  1. Love the smile!! Does he have red hair? It looks red in the pic.

  2. Yay for smiling! we actually get to see Jackson smile now b/c he finally has all the tubes off his face!
